
Western CT Jewish Film Festival Series

SOUTHBURY – The Jewish Federation of Western CT has announced the line-up of three films in its Fourth Annual Jewish Film Festival Series. The films will all be screened on Sundays at 2 p.m., at the Heritage Hotel, 522 Heritage Road in Southbury.

SEPTEMBER 18 – “Dough”

Starring Jonathan Pryce and Pauline Collins. A warmhearted and hilarious story about overcoming prejudice and finding redemption in unexpected places.

SEPTEMBER 25 – “Labyrith of Lies”

Frankfurt 1958: nobody wants to look back to the time of the National Socialist regime. Young public prosecutor Johann Radmann (Alexander Fehling) comes across some documents that help initiate the trial against some members of the SS who served in Auschwitz. What he ultimately brings to light will change the country forever…

OCTOBER 9 – “Wunderkinder”

Set in the Ukraine in 1941 during World War II, “Wunderkinder” tells the story of three exceptional child prodigies who have to learn to use their musical skill, their undying friendship and all their courage to survive in the face of a grown-up world gone mad.

Admission to each film is $8. Registration is required. Space is limited. Call (203) 267-3177 or rsvp@jfed.net.

CAP: Film Festival Committee members (l-r) Bobbi Knezek, Gloria Aronheim and Evelyn Kuhn, with Federation Executive Director Jade Stoltz, announce the kick-off of the 4th Annual Jewish Film Festival of Western CT.

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