West Hartford resident Sadie Margolis is selling flip-flops as part of her bat mitzvah project to raise awareness and funds for Tara’s Closet. Launched this past summer by Jewish Family Services of Greater Hartford, Tara’s Closet provides clothing to individuals and families in need living in the Greater Hartford area. The program offers clients the opportunity to try on clothing and receive quality items in a boutique-style environment at no charge while maintaining one’s dignity.
“I feel grateful to be able to help kids around my age receive clothing that they can enjoy just like I enjoy shopping at the mall,” said Margolis, who handed out a pair of flip-flops to each of the 100 teens she spoke with at the recent BBYO Leadership Conference. Margolis spoke to the teens about the struggle of mental illness, which Tara’s Closet supports — and encouraged them to spread the word about Tara’s Closet throughout the community.
CAP: Sadie Margolis shows off some of the clothing collected for Tara’s Closet.