Around Connecticut Southern New England News

A championship season!

The Greater Hartford Synagogue Softball League championship wrapped up its 23rd season on Monday, August 29 with a well played, hard fought slugfest between two of the league’s more dominant teams: Beth Shalom/B’nai Israel of Manchester (BS/BI) and the league’s top-seed Mazel Tov, made up of Solomon Schechter Day School alumni. Mazel Tov won its third straight championship, defeating BS/BI, a former three-time champion, by a score of 14 to 8.  The co-ed softball league is comprised of six Hartford area synagogue teams.

For further information about the league, contact Commissioner Alan Cetel,

CAP: The winning Mazel Tov team: (front row, l to r) Chris Harrison, Samantha Francis, Jocelyn Costello, Lindsay Hyland, Victor Diaz Jr.; (middle row) Levi Chatinover, Bery Eckstein, Andrew Yackel, Rabbi Steven Chatinover; (back row, l to r) Matt Steciak, Levi Schreiber, Steve Silvestro, Alex Feliciano. Not pictured: Nick Lemieux.

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