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Hebrew HealthCare announces plan to restructure

West Hartford – On Monday, August 14, Hebrew HealthCare (HHC) announced two necessary initiatives aimed at preserving the services provided to residents and patients of the West Hartford facility.

With the first initiative, operation of the 257-bed skilled nursing facility located on Abrahms Boulevard in West Hartford will be assumed by Hebrew Home for Health and Rehabilitation, LLC, a National Health Care Associates affiliate, under a 30-year lease. According to a statement released by HHC, this transaction is intended “to eliminate the main challenge to Hebrew HealthCare’s financial stability, and will assure that skilled nursing care will continue on site in an environment which honors Jewish traditions — including the presence of a full time rabbi and observance of kashrut.”

The second initiative, according to the statement released, will restore financial strength to HHC’s other service lines – its hospital, senior day center, physician services, dementia care services and Hoffman Summerwood Community – by restructuring under Chapter 11 protection. Hebrew HealthCare leaders emphasized that they will maintain the current level of service to all of its residents and patients in all areas throughout both initiatives.

“Speaking on behalf of Hebrew HealthCare’s Board of Trustees, we are united in believing these two initiatives will enable our organization to remain a leading provider of senior services while securing our long-term future,” Board of Trustees Chairman Jerry Long said. “In what is a very challenging health care environment, this will give us the necessary time to reorganize and structure a financially strong organization moving forward. We are committed to preserving this high quality institution which for more than a century has honored—the community’s Jewish tradition and values.”

Hebrew HealthCare President and CEO Bonnie Gauthier said, “In the 18 years I have spent leading our organization, we have faced numerous challenges dealing with reimbursement reductions, regulatory issues, capital project needs and the dramatically changing face of senior care; and each time we have emerged stronger than ever. I fully expect the same to happen here—our greatest priority will always be the older adults we serve and the families who count on us.”

According to Long, National Health Care Associates, a provider of skilled nursing care in Connecticut, will continue to employ the staff associated with the skilled nursing facility, thus making the transition seamless for patients.

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