B'nai Mitzvah Celebrations Jewish Life


JACOB DAWES, son of Michelle and Stephen Dawes, will celebrate his bar mitzvah on Saturday, Sept. 3 at Congregation B’nai Israel in Bridgeport.

JACOB KUBIK, son of Lori and Joseph Kubik, will celebrate his bar mitzvah on Saturday, Sept. 3 at Congregation B’nai Torah in Trumbull.

SHAYNA NAOMI LAKIN, daughter of Michelle and Brian Lakin, will celebrate her bat mitzvah on Saturday, Sept. 3 at Temple Beth Sholom in Hamden.

ABBY MAOZ, daughter of Jade and Michael Maoz, will celebrate her bat mitzvah on Saturday, Sept. 3 at Congregation B’nai Jacob in Woodbridge.

SADIE MARGOLIS, daughter of Kim and Scott Margolis, will celebrate her bat mitzvah on Sunday, Sept. 4 at Beth El Temple in West Hartford.

SAMUEL WARD, son of Michelle and Charles Ward, will celebrate his bar mitzvah on Saturday, Sept. 3 at The Emanuel Synagogue in West Hartford.

What About the Jewish Prayer for Those with Mental Illness?
Torah Portion – Emor
Torah Portion – Behalotcha

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