After 18 years of calling the JCC of Greater New Haven a second home, JCC Director Shelley Gans has decided to turn over a new page. She will continue to lead the JCC through August.
“I now find myself at a juncture in time,” Gans said. “My husband Richard and I are entering the next life chapter. I’m not sure what the final act will be, but I feel restless to spread my wings and give something else a try…and maybe have a little more flexibility along the way. I’ve grown a family and a career here.”
“Our CEO Judy and I share a vision for where the JCC is headed and I am excited about the future possibilities,” she added. “What makes this all so hard is saying goodbye to beloved colleagues, loyal members, dedicated lay leaders, inspiring community leaders, generous volunteers, and like-minded community partners.”
“Our community has been blessed to have the creativity and leadership of Shelley Gans for the past 18 years,” said Judy Diamondstein, CEO of Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven. “While it will be sad to part ways with Shelley, we must support her choice to pursue the next great challenge in her life and we wish her happiness and success in her future endeavors. Shelley’s imprint will endure and we know that we will continue to see her participate in our community.”
“I used to kiss the mezuzah as I entered the main door of the JCC as a reminder that this is boots-on-the-ground ‘holy work,’” Gans said. “May this place and this work continue to be a blessing. I am blessed for having been a part of it.”