LONGMEADOW, Mass.— Artist Cindy Lutz Kornet of Longmeadow, Mass., is known for her softly colorful and spiritual paintings. The art teacher at Lubavitcher Yeshiva Academy for the past 12 years, Kornet’s paintings have been on display at the Springfield JCC and the University of Connecticut. Her painting “Next Year in Jerusalem,” was on the cover of the 2015 Massachusetts All Things Jewish.
Now Kornet’s artwork can be seen on a series of beautiful silk scarves and blouses marketed by VIDA, an international company that prints the work of artists onto garments. VIDA is an e-commerce site that aims to promote global artists and to educate and help apparel workers make livable wages. VIDA’s apparel workers participate in an educational program to learn reading, writing and business math skills, all funded by VIDA.
“I was very interested and excited when approached,” Kornet said. “I don’t know how they found me, but I suspect a lot of googling and searching was done to invite artists to take advantage of this opportunity.”
Kornet’s designs fit perfectly with VIDA’s aesthetic.
“My paintings are uplifting, spirited, life-affirming and make people feel good. All are spirited and many are Judaic,” she said, adding, “The most creative part for me — other than creating the paintings — is juxtaposing my artwork onto the garment: moving it, reducing size, expanding, repeating pattern until I reach the ‘aha’ moment,” Kornet said.
For more information visit shopvida.com/collections/voices/cindy-kornet. DISCOUNT CODE: FACEBOOK 10