Jewish Life

How did Elie Wiesel influence your life? Moment magazine wants know

WASHINGTON, D.C. — In memory of its co-founder Elie Wiesel z”l, who died on July 2 at the age of 87, Moment magazine is asking readers and the public to share their thoughts on how the renowned Nobel Laureate and Holocaust survivor — and his books, such as Night — were important to them, their families and the world.

“Elie Wiesel was a larger-than-life presence,” says Moment’s editor and publisher Nadine Epstein. “So many people have been deeply touched by Elie—the man and the writer—and have something to say about him and what he stood for. We are gathering their thoughts so we can publish some of them in our next issue, which will be dedicated to Elie’s memory.”

This legacy project is open to people of all ages. It is not a public forum. Written statements should be sent to or go to The deadline for submission is August 2.

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