
Grants offered to Jewish orgs for staging of new musical

OMAHA, Neb. — A limited number of grants are now available to Jewish Federations, JCCs and synagogues nationwide for the presentation of the Jewish-themed musical “From Generation to Generation” as a fundraiser for the organization. Each organization retains all ticket revenue as well as CD sales and is not required to pay a fee for the script or music tracks.

Created by Karen Sokolof Javitch and Elaine Jabenis, both of Omaha, Nebraska, the musical tells the story of Rose Lieberman who takes unusual steps to share her memorable life with a granddaughter she may never see. “The musical carries the audience along with Rose on her comical and inspiring journey to leave a touching memory of herself for all generations to come,” says Javitch, who has written five musicals. Two of Javitch’s songs have been featured in films and she is the recipient of two Omaha TAG (Theatre Actors Guild) Awards.

“From Generation to Generation” has been performed in Chicago, Los Angeles, St. Louis and Omaha. In its review of the musical, the Omaha World-Herald wrote, “This is a first-rate family show that Jewish theatergoers will especially enjoy – though everyone will respond to the universal themes celebrated here.”

For more information on the grant contact Andy Greenberg at (402) 250-3895 or speakingofandygreenberg@cox.net, or visit http://www.jewishmusicals.com/home.html.

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