WEST HARTFORD – State Representative Brian Becker (D-West Hartford, Avon, and Farmington) announced this week that he will end his campaign for re-election to the 19th district House seat.
“From the bottom of my heart, I thank the people of the 19th Assembly District for giving me the opportunity to serve them in the General Assembly for the last six years. Over that time, I have tried my best to do good in the world and believe I have some successes to show for those efforts,” Becker’s statement read.
Among the accomplishments listed in his statement are the establishment of the Lead By Example Program that has the state retrofitting its own buildings to make them more energy efficient; and the changing of laws on regionalism to make it easier for municipalities to work together to save money, and changing several work rules for home care workers to help keep services affordable for disabled individuals and the elderly.
“Despite the foregoing achievements, I have been extremely frustrated and disappointed by my inability to effect change on the biggest issues facing our state,” Becker said in his statement. “As such, I think it appropriate to give someone else a chance to do better and, therefore, choose not to pursue a fourth term.”