
Hospice volunteers needed

WEST HARTFORD – Hebrew HealthCare Home Health & Hospice in West Hartford is seeking individuals interested in joining the Home’s team as hospice volunteers, providing companionship to patients and supporting caregivers and their families. Volunteers visit with patients any place patients call home – e.g., assisted living or skilled nursing facilities, independent living communities, private homes, or hospitals.

Volunteers can help patients in a variety of ways – from simply holding their hands, or by chatting with them and listening to their stories and memories. Many volunteers have specialized skills or talents that can be used to enchance patients’ lives: such as pet therapists, massage/Reiki specialists, multi-lingual individuals, artists, etc.

Hospice volunteers are required to complete 16 hours of orientation training and attend 12 additional hours per year of in-service continuing education.

For more information or to sign up, contact Pam Gordon at (860) 566-8654 or pgordon@hebrewhealthcare.org.

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