HARTFORD – Leigh A. Newman of Bloomfield has been elected chair of the Board of Trustees of the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Hartford.
In addition to her years of service as a member of the Foundation Board, Newman has served in a variety of volunteer positions throughout the Jewish community, including as board chair of the Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford. A trusts and estates attorney at the law firm of Day Pitney, LLP, where she will become a partner as of Jan. 1, 2016, her father, Judge Jon O. Newman, served as Foundation chair from 1993-1995.
“The Foundation is fortunate to have someone as experienced and skilled as Leigh leading our board,” said Foundation CEO Michael Johnston. “Her long service as a community leader and her professional expertise in estate planning and planned giving give her a unique insight into our work on behalf of the community. This knowledge, combined with her leadership skills and passion for our work, uniquely qualify her to serve as Chair.”
Newman succeeds David R. Miller, whose term as Chairperson was complete as of September 2015. He remains on the board as a trustee. Miller passed the ceremonial gavel to Newman on Sept. 17, her first official meeting as chair.
“Dave has been an amazing leader and friend to the Foundation. He has a powerful and optimistic vision for our community and has been masterful at communicating how the Foundation can help make that vision a reality. His ability to ignite a sense of optimism in the future and his exceptional leadership skills significantly strengthened the Foundation during his tenure as Chair,” said Johnston.
In addition to Newman, Merrill Mandell, David M. Roth, and Randall H. Weinstock were elected to the Board; and Eric M. Zachs, newly elected chair of the Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford, joined the Board ex officio.