MILFORD – Rabbi Intern Gerry L. Ginsburg of Stamford has been appointed spiritual leader of Congregation Sinai of Milford/West Haven. Ginsburg is a student at the Academy For Jewish Religion in Yonkers, N.Y., where he is pursuing a Masters degree in Jewish Studies. Previously, he served as a rabbinic intern at Congregation Kneses Tiferet Israel in Port Chester, N.Y.
Active in the Stamford Jewish community for many years, he has served as vice president of Temple Beth El, as well as president of its Men’s Club, gabbai, service leader, and teacher of adult education classes. He has also served on the Board of Trustees of the Stamford Jewish Community Center.
Rabbi Ginsburg earned an MBA from New York University and a BS in Journalism from the University of Ohio. He is a past president of Ginsburg Global International Direct Marketing and Ginsburg & Company, Publishing Consultants.
He is married to Dr. Frances Ginsburg and is the father of two adult children.