
Award-winning shoppers

Chris Bisceglia of Port Chester received the first ever Supermarketing for Seniors (SFS) Shopper of the Year award from Jewish Family Services of Greenwich (JFS) at the agency’s second annual “Supermarketing for Seniors Celebrates Grandparents” event held on Sunday, Sept. 20 throughout the community. The event was held in partnership with neighborhood supermarkets — including A&P, Kings, Stop & Shop, and Balducci’s – with the help of members of The Senior Center of Greenwich, JFS Board members, members of the Greenwich High School Generation to Generation Club, and the JCC Teen Action Committee, all of whom were stationed across the community to help raise awareness and funding for Supermarketing for Seniors, a grocery shopping and case management service designed to help housebound Greenwich residents 60+ years of age maintain their independence.

Pictured here presenting the award to Bisceglia in front of The Senior Center is JFS Executive Director Lisa-Lorraine Smith, as SFS shoppers Maria Roman and Odette Mouakad look on. Based on client nominations, the award acknowledges the contribution of shoppers who make their clients feel safe, cared for and connected.

For information about Supermarketing for Seniors, contact Elyse Brown, at (203) 622-1881 or ebrown@jfsgreenwich.org., or visit jfsgreenwich.org.

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