(JTA) – Antisemitic attitudes fell in two countries where Jews were attacked over the last year while rising significantly in Italy, Romania and the Netherlands, a new Anti-Defamation League poll found. Compared to 2014, antisemitic attitudes as gauged by the ADL fell from 37 percent to 17 percent in France, where in January a Muslim gunman killed four hostages at a kosher supermarket in Paris, and from 27 percent to 21 percent in Belgium, where in May 2014 a Muslim gunman killed four at the Jewish museum in Brussels. The poll also found that concern about violence against Jews increased in France by 20 percent and in Belgium by 30 percent. Antisemitic attitudes also fell significantly in Germany over the last year, the survey found, from 27 percent to 16 percent.
Among the survey’s other significant findings: Among Western European Muslims, an average of 55 percent harbor antisemitic attitudes; Turkey is the most antisemitic country in Europe, with 71 percent of respondents espousing antisemitic views, followed closely by Greece at 67 percent; Antisemitic attitudes rose significantly over the last year in Romania (from 35 to 47 percent), Italy (20 to 29 percent) and the Netherlands (5 to 11 percent); Antisemitic views were down in Poland (from 45 percent to 37 percent), Russia (30 to 23 percent) and Ukraine (38 to 32 percent).