Around Connecticut Southern New England News

Food drive for Passover

As Passover approached, volunteers from Jewish Family Service serving several Fairfield County towns distributed bags filled with food for the holiday to clients living in Westport, Weston, Wilton, and Norwalk, as well as the Eastern Fairfield County communities of Fairfield, Bridgeport, Trumbull, Redding, and Monroe. The packages, which were assembled in the office of the Federation of Jewish Philanthropy of Upper Fairfield County in Westport, were made up of food and grocery cards donated by The Conservative Synagogue, Temple Israel, and Beit Chaverim Synagogue, all of Westport, and Congregation Beth El of Norwalk.

CAP: Assembling Passover food bags for distribution to the needy in Fairfield County were (l to r) Lauren Zirn, Nicki and Lorin Blitzer, Reid and Michael Pfeffer, Sheri Warshaw, and Izzy Kanefsky. Zirn, Warshaw and Lorin Blitzer co-chaired the project.

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