US/World News

Film: BU-affiliated high school workshop promotes anti-Israel agenda

( The advocacy group Americans for Peace and Tolerance (APT) on Thursday released a video ( that sounds the alarm on a Boston University-affiliated high school workshop that APT says attempts “to indoctrinate students, especially Jewish students, against the state of Israel.” While Axis of Hope (AOH) claims that its mission is ‘developing in young adults an understanding of alternative, non-violent approaches to resolving complex conflicts locally, nationally and internationally,’ AOH’s ‘Whose Jerusalem?’ workshop runs mock negotiating exercises that specifically select Jewish students for roles that try to get them to empathize with Hamas, the Palestinian terror group whose charter calls for Israel’s destruction and the murder of all Jews.”

Carl Hobert, AOH’s founder, has admitted to receiving guidance for the workshop from anti-Israel professors Noam Chomsky (MIT) and Denis Sullivan (Northeastern Univ.), according to APT. Hobert has told the Al Jazeera broadcaster that one of the workshop’s goals is “putting pressure on our government to create a Palestinian state.” AOH has worked in at least 28 high schools across the U.S., which are listed on its website at The 27-minute film by Boston-based APT, titled “Axis of Bias @ Weston High School,” focuses on AOH’s presence at Weston High School.

Dr. Sandra Alfonsi, chair of the “Curriculum Watch” initiative at the women’s Zionist organization Hadassah, called AOH “a pedagogically flawed program by a self-styled guru of educational civil disobedience promoting anti-Israel propaganda to well-meaning students who want to bring peace to the world.”

The AOH website points visitors to conflict resolution teacher training programs at the Boston University Global Literacy Institute website. Those programs are also led by Hobert.

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