Sixteen volunteers from Temple Shearith Israel (TSI) in Ridgefield assembled at the crack of dawn on Sunday morning, Nov. 9, to brew coffee and make breakfast sandwiches. Then they packed up vans with bags filled with toiletries, warm clothing, lunch bags, candy and breakfast – which they had assembled the night before – and set off on a “Breakfast Run” to New York City. There, the group of 16 TSI congregants stopped at Stuyvesant Cover Park where they met up with Malcolm, a representative of Midnight Run – a consortium of 150 synagogues, churches and schools in the Metropolitan New York area that help the homeless – who guided the group of men, women and children in handing out their “goodie bags” to the homeless. Afterwards, the once-homeless Malcolm shared stories of his experiences and stressed the importance of efforts such as the Breakfast Run.
CAP: The 16 TSI volunteers and Malcolm (in front, kneeling)