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Hundreds of anthropologists vow to boycott Israel

(Israel Hayom/Exclusive to More than 500 anthropologists from around the world have recently signed a petition declaring their “opposition to the ongoing Israeli violations of Palestinian rights” and vowing to “boycott Israeli academic institutions that are complicit in these violations.” The petitioners include anthropologists from prestigious American universities such as Harvard, Yale, and Princeton. Among other things, the signatories commit not to collaborate with projects or events funded by Israeli academic institutions, not to teach or attend conferences at such institutions, and not to publish articles in Israeli academic publications.

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1 Comment
  • danliber
    October 8, 2014 at 6:17 pm

    What a shame for them. 5000 antrhopologists with broader perspective should sign a petition declaring the right of the Jewish people to live in peace in their own homeland which is Israel. These boycotts sound so similar to the nazi organized ones before the 2 World War…

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