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Time mag retracts claim of IDF harvesting Palestinian organs

( Time magazine retracted a claim made in a video that the IDF harvests organs of killed Palestinians, an unsubstantiated accusation that was blasted as a “blood libel” against Israel. In the video, which appeared inside a Time piece published online Aug. 23, the narrator stated that the “IDF is not without controversy” because “in 2009 a Swedish report came out exposing some Israeli troops of selling organs of Palestinians who died in their custody.”

According to the media watchdog Honest Reporting, the Swedish report was published in the tabloid magazine Aftonbladet by reporter Donald Boström, who after being accused of anti-Semitism, later said “Whether it’s true or not – I have no idea, I have no clue.” In addition, one Palestinian woman whose family was cited in the report later denied telling any foreign journalist that her son’s organs were stolen, according to the Jerusalem Post.

Time later updated the video by removing the claim on organs and adding a correction stating, “The original version of this video cited a contested allegation in a 2009 Swedish newspaper as fact. The allegation has been removed from the video.”

Associate Dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center Rabbi Abraham Cooper said, “It seems that when it comes to Israel, many journalists have no collective memory of the facts – only of the [blood] libels.”

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