
Healthcare professionals share knowledge with colleagues across the pond

Jewish Senior Services (JSS) President and CEO Andrew Banoff and other JSS staff with delegates from Yale University’s Global Health and Social Care Leadership Programme.

Jewish Senior Services (JSS) President and CEO Andrew Banoff and other JSS staff with delegates from Yale University’s Global Health and Social Care Leadership Programme.

FAIRFIELD – Delegates from Yale University’s Global Health and Social Care Leadership Programme visited Jewish Senior Services (JSS) in Fairfield on July 17 to learn more about senior care in the United States. The goal of the visit was to catalyze an exchange of ideas and best practices among health management experts from the United Kingdom and the U.S.

The nine delegates included senior and mid-career administrative and clinical professionals from the National Health Service organizations throughout the United Kingdom. The visit entailed learning how JSS addresses numerous challenges of providing services to an aging population. The Yale-affiliated program is designed to equip health care leaders with the tools needed to succeed in the new financial and operational framework of the NHS.

“It was a privilege to be able to host our colleagues from Yale and the United Kingdom as part of their visit to the United States. We explored and discussed many mutual challenges and opportunities that enhanced our collective understanding of the healthcare systems and our ability to provide quality services to seniors,” said JSS President and CEO Andrew Banoff. “Of particular interest was Jewish Senior Services new household model of care which provided delegates an opportunity to focus on the most innovative form of nursing care in the U.S.”

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