CT Briefs

Norwalk shul names new education director

NORWALK — Al Treidel has been appointed director of education at Congregation Beth El in Norwalk, it was announced recently by the synagogue’s search committee.

It is Treidel’s second stint on the Beth El staff; he previously served a successful term as the shul’s Hebrew school principal in the 1970s. Since then, Treidel has served as the principal of Fox Run elementary school in Norwalk, and as director of the Hebrew schools at Temple Beth El in Stamford and Congregation Beth El in Fairfield.

Over the summer, the new director will be work with Beth El’s education staff and volunteers to prepare programs for the fall. In particular, he will focus much of his efforts on taking the shul’s Navasky Religious School to the next level, bringing more of teen congregants back into active roles, and helping integrate day school and non-day school families more thoroughly.

The synagogue plans to schedule a series of “meet-and-greet” coffee hours over the summer to give congregants the opportunity to get acquainted with the new education director before school begins in the fall.

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