Celebrations Milestones


BRIAN DALY, son of Susan and Neil Daly, will celebrate his bar mitzvah on Saturday, May 31 at Congregation B’nai Torah in Trumbull.

ALYSSA EDELHEIT, daughter of Barbara Edelheit, will celebrate her bat mitzvah on Saturday, May 31 at Congregation Kol Haverim in Glastonbury.

HANNAH GITMAN, daughter of Karina and Marat Gitman, will celebrate her bat mitzvah on Saturday, May 31 at Beth David Synagogue in West Hartford.

ALYSSA GOLDBERG, daughter of Vivian Rich-Goldberg and Bruce Goldberg, will celebrate her bat mitzvah on Saturday, May 31 at Temple Beth El in Stamford.

JACOB DERICK HASLETT, son of Shelley Schwartz Haslett and Jim Haslett, celebrated his bar mitzvah on Saturday, May 10 at Temple Beth Hillel in South Windsor.

DANYELLA KAPLAN, daughter of Elana and Greg Kaplan, will celebrate her bat mitzvah on Saturday, May 31 at Temple Sinai in Newington.

ELLIOT KAUFMAN, son of Laura and John Kaufman, will celebrate his bar mitzvah on Saturday, May 31 at Temple Israel in Westport.

JORDAN KLEIN, son of Ellen Klein, will celebrate his bar mitzvah on Saturday, May 31 at Congregation Or Shalom in Orange.

REBECCA NORMAN, daughter of Teri and Sam Norman, will celebrate her bat mitzvah on Saturday, May 31 at Beth Sholom B’nai Israel in Manchester.

JOLIE PATTEN, daughter of Andrea and Marc Patten, will celebrate her bat mitzvah on Saturday, May 31 at Congregation Beth El in Fairfield.

ZACHARY ROSENBERG, son of Amy Swanson and Howard Rosenberg, will celebrate his bar mitzvah on Saturday, May 31 at Temple Israel in Westport.

NOAH SILVERMAN, son of Evelyn and Jay Silverman, will celebrate his bar mitzvah on Saturday, May 31 at Temple Sinai in Newington.

MATTHEW SPIEGEL, son of Felice and Fred Spiegel, will celebrate his bar mitzvah on Saturday, May 31 at Congregation B’nai Israel in Bridgeport.

DANIELLE WEINBERG, daughter of Nancy and Brian Weinberg, will celebrate her bat mitzvah on Saturday, May 31 at Beth El Temple in West Hartford.

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