(JNS.org) A prominent Swiss cleric reportedly denounced Jews and Zionism at France’s largest Islamic conference, according to French sociologist Michele Tribalat, who attended the Union of Islamic Organizations in France (UOIF) 31st annual conference in Le Bourget. In an article in the French daily Le Figaro, Tribalat highlighted a heavily anti-Semitic speech by Hani Ramadan, director of the Islamic Center of Geneva, who was honored as a special guest at the conference.
“All the unhappiness comes from Jews who have one thing in mind, realize the dream of Greater Israel,” Ramadan reportedly said. Ramadan is the grandson of Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna and brother of Swiss cleric Tariq Ramadan, who was banned from the U.S. by the State Department for several years over funding ties to Hamas. According to Tribalat, Ramadan also said Jewish and pro-Israel groups in the United States and France control the government and the media. “[In the] United States, no one can be elected president without having to kowtow to AIPAC,” Ramadan said. “Same thing in France…[nobody can be] be elected without the approval of the CRIF (the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France).”