

Many Connecticut synagogues are hosting Passover seders. Check with your local synagogue for more information.


seder_plateMONDAY, APRIL 14

Glastonbury – Community First Night Passover Seder at the Benet Rothstein Chabad Jewish Center, 7 p.m., 25 Harris St., (860) 659-2422.

Norwalk – Beth Israel of Westport/Norwalk Seder; four-course dinner; on-site babysitting available; 7:30 p.m.; Beth Israel, 40 King St.,, (203) 866-0534, bethisraelct.org. $70/adults; $36 children (4-14). Reservations by April 11.



Chester – Congregation Beth Shalom Rodfe Zedek Seder, family-style kosher meal prepared by Bob and Linda Zemmel, with child-friendly options, 6 p.m., 55 East Kings Highway, (860) 526-8920. $36; children under 13 FREE.

Greenwich – Second Night Passover Seder; hosted by Congregation Shir Ami and led by Rabbi Axe; potluck festive meal (food must be kosher for Passover); 6 – 9:30 p.m.; at First Presbyterian Church. $25 adults/$18 children (K-12)/ FREE children under 5. (203) 274-5376.

Hamden – Community Second Seder, 5:30 p.m., Temple Beth Sholom, 1809 Whitney Ave., (203) 288-7748 or BethSholomHamden@aol.com. FREE *seating limited.

Manchester – Temple Beth Sholom B’nai Israel 7th Annual Community Seder, with gourmet kosher meal by Lucky Platter, 400 Middle Turnpike East, RSVP: (860) 643-9563 ext. 100, or myshul.org. $38/adults; $5/teens; FREE/children under 13.

Norwalk – Beth Israel of Westport/Norwalk Seder; four-course dinner; on-site babysitting available; 7:30 p.m.; Beth Israel, 40 King St.,, (203) 866-0534, bethisraelct.org. $70/adults; $36 children ( 4-14). Reservations by April 11.

Trumbull – Family Seder; afikoman gift for those under 14; Congregation B’nai Torah, 5700 Main St., RSVP by April 8: (203) 268-6940, info@bnaitorahct.oreg. $40 adults/$22 children under 8.

West Hartford – Beth David Community Seder, with four-course dinner by Yosi Kosher Catering, 8 p.m., 20 Dover Road, (860) 236-1241. $36/adults; $25/children 5-12.

Wilton – Temple Shalom Second Night Seder, 6 p.m., Rolling Hills Country Club, 333 Hurlbutt St., (203) 866-0148 or admin@templeshalomweb.org.

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