Around Connecticut Southern New England News

Birthday wishes from Greenwich

Selma Maisel Nursery School of Temple Sholom students enjoyed making fruit kabobs to celebrate Tu B’Shevat. (Clockwise from lower left) James Gingold,  Lola Castro, Eli Prawer, and Avery Gingold.

Selma Maisel Nursery School of Temple Sholom students enjoyed making fruit kabobs to celebrate Tu B’Shevat. (Clockwise from lower left) James Gingold, Lola Castro, Eli Prawer, and Avery Gingold.

Students at the Selma Maisel Nursery School of Temple Sholom in Greenwich recently celebrated Tu B’Shevat, the birthday of the trees, with a traditional seder of fruits. The preschoolers also created art projects depicting trees to mark the beginning of the season in which the earliest-blooming trees in the Land of Israel emerge from their winter sleep and begin a new fruit-bearing cycle.

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