
Artists’ Beit Midrash in New Haven

Jewish artists of all affiliations and skill levels are invited to join “The Four Sons of the Haggadah: A Textual and Visual,” a new artists’ critique group and workshop in which participants will create visual commentaries inspired by the Haggadah.  Each session will include a textual study of the Haggadah, followed by a critique of work created outside of class. Rabbi Yossi Yaffe of Chabad of the Shorline will teach the Jewish texts; New Haven artist Leah Caroline will facilitate the critiques and workshops.

The group will meet for five Wednesdays, beginning Feb. 26, 7-8:45 p.m., at the Orchard Street Shul, 232 Orchard St. in New Haven.  Admission is $120.

For more information call (860) 717-0841, email artistbeitmidrash@gmail.com, or visit artistbeitmidrash.weekly.com.

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