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Connecticut Celebrates Chanukah

ct cover 12-2-11A calendar of events



Colchester – Giant Menorah Lighting on the Colchester Town Green, hosted by Chabad Jewish Center; hot cider, latkes, music, raffles; 6 p.m.; Colchester Town Green, Main St. and Norwich Ave.(860) 659-2422, rabbi@chabader.com, chabadER.com. FREE

Middlebury – Menorah Lighting; arranged by the Middlebury Congregation Church on the Middlebury Green; 3:30 p.m.; (203) 577-4505.

New Canaan – First night of Chanukah menorah lighting; clergy from Temple Shalom in Norwalk will lead prayers and songs; 6 p.m.; there will be candle lighting led by families on the following seven nights of Chanukah at 5 p.m.; at G-d’s Acre; (203) 966-2797. FREE

West Hartford – First Night of Chanukah menorah lighting, latkes, donuts and music; 4:30 p.m.; Beth David Synagogue, 20 Dover Rd., (860) 236-1241, www.bethdavidwh.org.

West Hartford – “Light One Candle to End Hunger” interfaith community gathering; candle lighting and song “Light One Candle” led by Cantor Sanford Cohn and the Emanuel Adult Choir; apple cider, sufganiyot (jelly donuts); donations welcome to benefit FoodShare and the Anja Rosenberg Kosher Food Pantry at Jewish Family Services; 7 – 8 p.m.; Emanuel Synagogue, 160 Mohegan Dr., (860) 236-1275, emanuelsynagogue.org. FREE



Greenwich – Chanukah Concert, Shabbat Dinner and Latke Fest featuring a performance by the Maccabeats; concert at 3 p.m., menorah lighting led by Chabad pre-school and Hebrew school children at 4 p.m., dinner and Latke Fest at 5 p.m.; hosted by Chabad of Greenwich; at Greenwich YMCA, 50 Putnam Ave., (203) 629-9059. $35 adults/$25 children/$100 per family

Newington – Chanukah celebration following Shabbat service at 6 p.m.; Temple Sinai, 41 West Hartford Rd., (860) 561-1055.



Simsbury – Simsbury Celebrates Chanukah; candle lighting, dreidels, card decorating for residents of local assisted living facilities, hosted by the Mandell JCC; at Simsbury Public Library, 725 Hopmeadow St., (860) 236-4571.



Fairfield – Menorah lighting and celebration; kosher refreshments, latkes, dreidels and more; sponsored by Beth Israel of Westport/Norwalk and the Schneerson Center for Jewish Life; 5 p.m.; at Stew Leonard’s, U.S. Rte 1 Post Rd. (203) 866-0534, bethisraelct.org.

Southington – Chanukah Celebration at a private home; candle lighting, dreidels, latkes and other holiday foods; hosted by Gishrei Shalom Jewish Congregation. (860) 276-9113, gsjc.org.

West Hartford – “Fire on ICE,” a Chanukah celebration; menorah lighting and party in a heated tent; music, children’s choir, food, raffle; watch a master ice carver create a menorah from simple blocks of ice, which will then be lit; 4 p.m.; Blue Back Square; (860) 232-1116. FREE

West Hartford – Fifth Night Chanukah; planetarium shows, holiday crafts, stories, hands-on fun; hosted by the Mandell JCC, PJ Library, Big Tent Judaism; 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.; at the Children’s Museum of Connecticut, 950 Trout Brook Dr.; (860) 231-6342. FREE, bring an unwrapped children’s toy. Reservations required.

Weston – Menorah Lighting; music, latkes, dreidels and more; led by Rabbi Levi Stone of the Schneerson Center for Jewish Life; 6:30 p.m.; at Weston Shopping Center, 190 Weston Rd. FREE



West Hartford – Chanukah Celebration of Yiddish Culture and Film, hosted by the Greenberg Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Hartford; 5:30 p.m.; at Hebrew High School of New England, 300 Bloomfield Ave.

West Hartford – Latke Throwdown; sample traditional and new latke recipes; 4 – 6 p.m.; Mandell JCC, 335 Bloomfield Ave., (860) 236-4571.

Westport – Menorah lighting; music, latkes, dreidels and more; hosted by the Schneerson Center for Jewish Life; 7:30 p.m.; at Compo Acres Shopping Center, 400 Post Rd. East, (203) 635-4118. FREE

Wilton – Menorah lighting; music, latkes, dreidels and more; led by Rabbi Levi Stone of the Schneerson Center for Jewish Life; 5:30 p.m.; on the Wilton Town Green; (203) 635-4118. Free



Greenwich – Chanukah party for teens at a Brooklyn Nets game at Barclays Center, with a Chanukah half-time show by the Maccabeats; limo ride to and from the game; hosted by Chabad of Greenwich; chabadgreenwich.org, (203) 629-9059.

Greenwich – Chanukah Candle Lighting and Dinner; 6:15 p.m.; Temple Sholom, 300 E. Putnam Ave., (203) 542-7165, alice.schoen@templeshlom.com.

Meriden – Chanukah Gift Fair; 4 – 6 p.m.; Temple B’nai Abraham, 127 East Main St., (203) 235-2581.  See also Nov. 24 and 26.

Norwalk – Chanukah Celebration featuring a Chanukah skit, candle lighting, latkes, sing-a-long, and a Chanukah “short,” services at 5:30 p.m., followed by candle lighting at 5:45 p.m.; Congregation Beth El, 109 East Ave., (203) 838-2710.

West Hartford – Hands on Chanukah Celebration; light dinner, crafts, dreidels and more; 6 p.m.; Emanuel Synagogue, 160 Mohegan Dr., (860) 233-2774, school@emanuelsynagogue.org. $6 per person/$20 family cap. Bring a children’s book as a donation.

West Hartford – PJ Library Chanukah Storytime, 11 a.m., at Barnes & Noble, Blue Back Square.

West Hartford – Edible Dreidels and Chanukah Crafts, 4 – 6 p.m., Mandell JCC, 335 Bloomfield Ave.

West Hartford – Chanukah candle lighting on the front lawn of Beth El Temple; latkes and singing to follow; 5:45 p.m.; Beth El, 2626 Albany Ave., (860) 233-9696, bethelwesthartford.org.



Hamden – L’Chaim Lecture Series presents “What is Chanukah Really About? An Adult Perspective”; coffee, dessert and sufganiyot following lecture; 7 p.m.; Temple Beth Sholom, 1809 Whitney Ave., (203) 288-7748, tbshamden.com.

Middletown – Chanukah Celebration; candle lighting, singing, dinner and activities; bring your own menorah; and individually packaged snacks, like granola bars, microwavable popcorn, cookies, chips, etc. or travel size toiletries or first aid items, or entertainment items to be packed up into boxes and sent to soldiers who are wounded or serving in combat zones; 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.; Adath Israel, 8 Broad St., (860) 346-4709, adathisraelrs@yahoo.com.  FREE (including dinner)

South Norwalk – Chanukah @ The Loft for Jewish singles, couples and professionals in their 20s and 30s; menorah lighting, appetizers, latkes, cash bar raffle, door prizes; hosted by Young Jewish Professionals, CT; at The Loft, 97 Washington St., (203) 635-4118, youngjewishP@gmail.com, schneersoncenter.org. $10 by Nov. 27/$12 at the door.

Stamford – Chanukah at the Observatory; light the menorah and learn about light in the night sky from astronomers; view the moon, planets and space objects through a 22” Research telescope; Chanukah snack; hosted by Selah; 6 – 7:30 p.m.; at the Stamford Museum and Nature Center Observatory, selahfairfieldcounty.org. $6 per person (including children)

West Hartford – PJ Library Chanukah Storytime; 10:30 a.m., at Barnes & Noble, Blue Back Square; 4 – 6 p.m. at the Mandell JCC, 335 Bloomfield Ave.

West Hartford – Chanukah candle lighting on the front lawn of Beth El Temple; latkes and singing to follow; 5:45 p.m.; Beth El, 2626 Albany Ave., (860) 233-9696, bethelwesthartford.org.

West Hartford – Chanukah Latkes Party hosted by Jewish Women International; bring a wrapped $5 grab bag gift; noon; at the Mandell JCC, 335 Bloomfield Ave.



Greenwich – Sholom Center Interfaith Holiday Lighting, 6 p.m., hosted by Temple Sholom; at Christ Church, 254 East Putnam Ave., alice.schoen@templesholom.com, (203) 542-7165.

West Hartford – Big Ten Chanukah at the Annual Holiday Stroll at Blue Back Square; songs, stories and more; 5 – 8 p.m.

Woodbridge – Children’s Chanukah Event; interactive musical theater event; 6:30 p.m.; Greater New Haven JCC, 360 Amity Rd., (203) 387-2522, $5 per child.



Cheshire – Annual Chanukah Shabbat Dinner; dinner at 5:30 p.m., followed by services at 7 p.m.; celebrate the conclusion of Chanukah with food, song and games; Rainbow Loom Exchange for children (children exchange bracelets); Congregation Kol Ami, 1484 Highland Ave., (203) 272-1006, kolamischool@gmail.com

Greenwich – Chanukah Live! Shir Ami Rockin’ Band and Choirs, pot luck gourmet latke dinner, candle lighting and Shabbat service with Chanukah sing-along; 6 p.m.; at First Presbyterian Church, One West Putnam Ave. $25 adults/$10 teens 13-18/FREE for children under 13.

Simsbury – Tot Shabbat Hop for children from birth to five years old; songs, prayers, PJ Library stories; 5:45 p.m.; Farmington Valley Jewish Congregation-Emek Shalom, (860) 231-6327, emacgilpin@mandelljcc.org.



West Hartford – Chanukah Party Bus Scavenger Hunt, sponsored by JT Connect; (860) 727-6110

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