Southern New England News Special Features

Chanukah Meets Thanksgiving…in the kitchen

For the first time in over 100 years, the first night of Chanukah and Thanksgiving coincide in an epic food holiday to rival all others. Thanksgivukah, as it has come to be called, is a food fest not to be missed!  Here are a few recipes graciously provided by Rabbi Debra Cantor, spiritual leader of B’nai Tikvoh-Sholom in West Hartford.




Serves 12

For crumb topping:

2 cups all purpose flour

1 cup (packed) brown sugar

1 cup crumbled cinnamon rugelach (pareve ones are available at both Crown and Big Y)

1 ½ tsp. ground cinnamon

1 stick chilled unsalted butter or pareve margarine, cut into small pieces


For filling:

12 large Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored, cut into 3/4-inch   pieces (about 5 cups)

2 lbs fresh cranberries

Juice of 1 lemon and its zest

1 ½ cups sugar

2 tsp. cornstarch


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

For topping, in a medium bowl, mix first 4 ingredients. Add margarine or butter; rub in with fingertips until mixture resembles coarse meal. Set aside. For filling, in a large bowl, toss all ingredients until well blended. Transfer apple-cranberry filling to small pie tins (or you can use a muffin tin), mounding in center. Sprinkle topping over pies. Set pies on baking pans. Bake until apples are tender, juices bubble thickly and crust is golden, about 70 minutes. Transfer to rack. Cool 15 minutes. Serve warm.


Sweet Potato Latkes

Sweet Potato Latkes



4 medium peeled russet potatoes                                                                                                                                                            

1 large or 2 small peeled sweet potato                                                                                                                                                             

1 clove garlic, finely chopped                                                                                                                                                                                   

2 eggs, slightly beaten                                                                                                                                                                                   

4 tablespoons matzah meal                                                                                                                                                                         

Olive oil


Puree or shred vegetables. Combine remaining ingredients, except oil, and mix well. Heat several inches of olive oil in a skillet on medium heat. Drop potato mixture by the spoonful into hot oil. Oil should sizzle slightly when a drop of water is    placed in the oil. Smoking oil means the oil is too hot. No sizzling, the oil is too cold. Cook until browned, turn and cook on other side. Drain on paper towel lined plate. Serve hot with homemade applesauce (or sour cream for a dairy meal).

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