US/World News

Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters launches curriculum with anti-Israel Irish Group

( Pink Floyd band member and anti-Israel activist Roger Waters launched a new curriculum on the Arab-Israel conflict with a pro-Palestinian Irish group. “I have studied the education pack… and it is extremely well laid out, extremely informative and eloquent in a way that kids will understand,” Waters said, Ma’an News Agency reported. Waters’s “Palestine & Israel – How will there be a Just Peace?” curriculum was co-produced by Sadaka – the Ireland-Palestine Alliance. It claims “to support young people in critically exploring injustice and peace building within a framework of human rights and international law,” according to Sadaka’s website. The group hopes that the curriculum will be used in Irish secondary schools. According to the popular pro-Israel blog, Elder of Ziyon, which analyzed the Irish group’s curriculum, the curriculum “pretends to be evenhanded” but actually suffers from “either huge bias or gigantic omissions.” Irish NGOs are some of the most powerful anti-Israel groups in Europe and have been on the forefront of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement.

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