US/World News

30 Arabs arrested in Rosh Hashanah riots

( About 30 Arabs were arrested over Rosh Hashanah weekend, following several riots that broke out in and around the Temple Mount compound in Jerusalem. Last week, the Jerusalem Police issued a statement detailing security arrangements for visits to the Temple Mount by Jewish worshippers during Rosh Hashanah. The statement provoked a call by Islamic Movement head Sheikh Raed Salah urging followers to thwart any such visits. Riots on the Temple Mount began Sept 4. Fifteen Arabs were arrested. The riots resumed on Sept. 6, following the end of the weekly prayer service held in Al-Aqsa Mosque. Dozens of Arab youths began stoning security forces stationed in the Western Wall Plaza and clashed with police near Mughrabi Gate. Security forces stormed the compound once more to disperse the riot, arresting another 15 Arab youths

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