US/World News

“World War Z” angers pro-Palestinians


( Palestinian supporters accuse Brad Pitt’s latest apocalyptic movie “World War Z” of pro-Israel bias by depicting Israel as the one of the few countries in the world not immediately destroyed by zombies. The viewers point to one scene showing a horde of zombies slowed by an enormous wall built around Israel, which they say resembles the security fence separating Israel from the West Bank. “In World War Z, Israel’s apartheid wall apparently helps keep out a massive horde of zombies… not cool,” one Twitter user posted, according to Israel National News. Other viewers, however, pointed out that Israel’s real security fence is intended to prevent Palestinian terrorists from entering Israel. Depending on one’s interpretation of “World War Z,” the wall in the movie may actually function as a unifying force rather than a source of division. In the movie, both Jews and Muslims try to escape the zombies behind the wall. “In the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a wall is a heavily fraught symbol. But here it turns into an instrument of… peace?” arts and entertainment writer Steven Zeitchik wrote on “World War Z” for the Los Angeles Times.

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