US/World News

Knesset committee sets memorial day for Jewish refugees of Arab states The Knesset Ministerial Committee for Legislation endorsed a new proposal on Sunday that will mark Nov. 30 as a national day to commemorate the more than 850,000 Jews who fled or were evicted from their homes in Arab countries after Israel’s establishment, Israel Hayom reported.

The proposal calls for special discussions in the Knesset with relevant community leaders on the date, as well as emphasis on the issue in Israeli diplomatic channels around the world. ­According to the proposal, Nov. 30 was chosen because it marks the date in 1947 when, a day after the United Nations Partition Plan established a Jewish state, Arab nations carried out spontaneous attacks on their Jewish communities to prevent a Jewish nation from forming in Israel.

The bill’s author, Likud-Beytenu MK Shimon Ohayon, sent a letter to Arab League Secretary-General Nabil Elaraby after the law was endorsed calling on the organization to “accept historic accountability for the humiliation, the suffering, and the losses incurred by innocent Jewish victims of the Arab world’s declared war against the State of Israel.”

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