Around Connecticut Southern New England News

The tree of knowledge

SSDS students plant their tree.

SSDS students plant their tree.

This spring, the three-year-old class at the Solomon Schechter Day School of Greater Hartford (SSDS) celebrated their year-long study of trees with a tree planting ceremony. The students’ interest in trees took root at the beginning of the year when they developed a fondness for a sycamore tree standing outside of the classroom. Teachers nurtured the children’s interest with activities, such as nature walks, reading books about trees, exploring how trees grow, and art projects.

The children also organized their own fundraiser, using the proceeds to purchase a tree – which they did on a field trip to a local nursery. At a ceremony attended by their parents, the children planted the tree on the grounds of the school. Each child also planted a heart with a wish for the tree inscribed on it.

“The tree planting ceremony was heartfelt and the perfect end to a project that was near and dear to all of us,” said Early Childhood teacher Robin Werner. “I am so proud of the children; their genuine interest, emerging ideas and enthusiasm was the inspiration for authentic exploration and enriching learning experiences.”

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