
The Temple Players opens 16th season

The Temple Players opens its sixteenth season with a staged reading of “Tribal Humor 7” on Thursday, June 20 and Sunday, June 23 at 7:30 pm.  The festival of six original one-act comedies will be held at Congregation B’nai Torah, located at 5700 Main Street in Trumbull.

The plays, all short comedies, were selected from among many entries that were submitted from all across the country, as well as Australia, Israel and New Zealand. They explore relationships, issues of aging, the challenges of Jewish dating, the stress of bar mitzvah planning, and more.

Of the six, one is by a local author: “Harold’s Choice” by Michael Petshaft of Fairfield. The other plays include: “An Answer to Their Prayers” by Hank Kimmel of Atlanta, Ga.; “The Home Stretch” and “Quoth the Maven, Nevermore,” both by Les Abromovitz of Boca Raton, Fla.; “Louie’s One and Only” by Myron Stein of Southfield, Mich.; and “Time Shared” by Faye Sholiton of Cleveland, Oh.

The Trumbull-based Temple Players, formerly of Stratford, is Connecticut’s first theater dedicated to staging works with Jewish themes and characters.

Tickets are $12 for adults, and $10 for students and seniors.  Doors open at 7 p.m. Presented in a cabaret-style, refreshments are available for purchase.

For more information and reservations call (203) 268-6940.

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