Around Connecticut Southern New England News

Going for the Gold…together

CAP: Sharks swim team members at the Special Olympics event: (kneeling, l to r)
Jack Zapata, Jack Russo, Patrick Keith, Jamie Amell; (standing, l to r) Caroline Burkhard, Carolyn Crespi, Alissa Palmer, Clarisa Merkatz, Emily LaSpada, and Grace Amell

CAP: Sharks swim team members at the Special Olympics event: (kneeling, l to r)
Jack Zapata, Jack Russo, Patrick Keith, Jamie Amell; (standing, l to r) Caroline Burkhard, Carolyn Crespi, Alissa Palmer, Clarisa Merkatz, Emily LaSpada, and Grace Amell

Members of the Mandell JCC Sharks Swim Team in West Hartford teamed up with local athletes for the Special Olympic Connecticut Eastern Regional Games earlier this month at the University of Hartford. More than 600 athletes, 200 coaches, and 400 volunteers came together at two sites in the Hartford area for the event. The Sharks volunteered at the event after seeing West Hartford Special Olympics swimmers practicing in the same JCC pool they use for practice.  “Our entire family enjoyed the event and hope we can do more with the Special Olympics,” Carrie LaSpada, a Sharks Swim Team parent, said. “We loved the athletes’ enthusiasm and the Sharks kids were grateful to be a part of the Special Olympics athletes’ experiences.”


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