CT Briefs Jewish Life

BY THE NUMBERS: Teens and the Jewish Future

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – According to a new study, Jewish Student Connection (JSC) clubs are indeed helping Jewish teens take ownership of their Jewish future. The study looked at the growth of JSC in Westchester/Connecticut, Chicago, South Florida, and Denver from 2010 – 2012.  Formed in 2010, there are to date six JSC clubs in Connecticut. JSC’s network of Jewish culture clubs are located in public and private high schools and are guided by full-time Jewish educator-advisors who focus their attention on building one-on-one relationships with participants.

60% of JSC teens report a positive change in their

understanding of Judaism and Jewish life.


67% have increased their interest in learning more

about Israel.


71% report an increase in wanting to learn more

about Judaism or what it means to be Jewish.

Torah Portion – Vayishlach
Bone Marrow Drive Oct. 10 at Yale’s Slifka Center
Torah Portion – Beha’alotcha

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