Around Connecticut Southern New England News

A “Sonny” day in West Hartford

sonnygramOn Feb. 14, Hebrew Health Care (HHC) held its first annual SonnyGram Day. The event – named after the late Sonya “Sonny” Rodin who was a resident at HHC for three years – brought cheerful greetings to each and every resident from family, friends and staff. In addition, HHC hosted a “sweetheart” luncheon and “Family Dynamics,” a quartet of the Sweet Adeline’s, strolled the hallways serenading residents. Pictured here are members of Family Dynamics with HHC Director of Volunteer Resources Ruthan Wein (center), who got in the spirit by dressing up as a “SonnyGram.”

Remembering Kristallnacht in Orange
Getting out the vote
Hawks spread their wings to help Hebrew HealthCare

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