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Trumbull tots prepare for Shabbat

Kailey Hall (center) and Kenna Farin look on as Dean Jackson brushes egg on the challahs the four-year old class of the B’nai Torah Nursery School in Trumbull baked for Shabbat.

Kailey Hall (center) and Kenna Farin look on as Dean Jackson brushes egg on the challahs the
four-year old class of the B’nai Torah Nursery School in Trumbull baked for Shabbat.

Owen Smith (left) and Tyler Feigherly decorate the challah covers the B’nai Torah Nursery School four-year olds created to cover their Shabbat challahs.

Owen Smith (left) and Tyler Feigherly decorate the challah covers the B’nai Torah Nursery
School four-year olds created to cover their Shabbat challahs.

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