Jewish Holidays Jewish Life

On the Web: Chanukah 101

To help get you into the holiday spirit, the students at Technion, Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa came up with an innovative method for lighting a menorah using their own Rube Goldberg machine — a deliberately over-engineered device that performs a simple task. As you will see from the video, they more than rose to the challenge.

The brainiacs behind the amusing invention are mechanical engineering students Eyal Cohen and Tomer Wassermann, and industrial engineering students Matan Orian and Dvir Dukhan. Cohen and Orian were both 2012 winners of the annual Technion Dr. Bob’s TechnoBrain creative engineering competition, which Cohen had previously won in 2011.

Countering BDS
AUTHOR’S CORNER: Peninnah’s World: A Jewish Life in Stories by Caren Schnur Neile
Torah Portion – Vaetchanan

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