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Playing for a cure in Bloomfield

Presenting a $95,000 check to Komen CT were (l to r) event coordinator Denise Delaney; event founder Diane Greenfield; even co-chairs Amy Levin and Janice Cartin; and Komen CT executive director Anne Morris.

BLOOMFIELD – Even after 15 years, the annual “Play for a Cure” golf tournament held at Tumble Brook Country Club in Bloomfield doesn’t fail to raise significant dollars for national breast cancer research, and local breast cancer education, screening and treatment programs across the state. And to prove that point, the club recently presented Komen Connecticut with a check for $95,000, raised at the 15th annual tournament held this fall – bringing the total amount raised by the tournament to more than $1.33 Million.
“Tumble Brook and its members are committed to Komen Connecticut and the fight against breast cancer,” said Diane Greenfield, who founded the tournament in 1997 after losing a close friend to breast cancer.
Anne Morris, executive director of Komen Connecticut accepted this year’s check with tears in her eyes. “Year after year the Tumble Brook community comes through for the underserved women of Connecticut, and their dedication and support of this cause is truly saving lives across our state.”

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