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WHITNUM WATCH: The World According to Lee

Lee Whitnum

Lee Whitnum has not attributed responsibility for the October snowstorm that left Connecticut and much of the northeast powerless to Israel. Not yet anyway. Other than that, Whitnum, a candidate for the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senator from Connecticut, has been using her spot on the debate stage these past few weeks to blame Israel for just about every other ill around the world and otherwise. The Iraq war, 911, the uprising in Egypt and Syria, Connecticut’s financial woes, etc. … all Israel’s fault. Whitnum reiterated her viewpoints in a recent interview on “The Stark Truth,” an online program whose guests have included David Duke, former grand wizard of the Klu Klux Klan. Here are a few excerpts of what she had to say:

  • “In every culture in the world except Israel, if you take something that doesn’t belong to you it’s stealing. In every culture in the world except Israel if you kill someone it’s murder.”
  • “I personally don’t have a problem with [Syrian president Bashar] al-Assad. I do have a problem with Netanyahu controlling the Middle East. … It’s all about Iran, and taking down Syria is part of it. Israel is all about taking down the entire region. All about control. I think the Arab world should be left to the Arabs.”
  • “Everything went a little crazy in 1998 when Ariel Sharon said ‘grab the hilltops,’ and since then Jews from all over the world have immigrated to Israel in order to grab the land, to the tune of 500,000 of them and many of them are Americans, In the process of forcibly taking people’s homes … in the middle of the night they’ll put a Christian family or a Muslim family out of their house and put a Brooklyn family in there.”
  • “The Israeli government lets the (U.S.) Secretary of State know if Egypt has been a good neighbor and the Secretary of State releases money to Egypt. So, it’s all about Israel.”
  • “AIPAC is more powerful than Republicans or Democrats. It’s the most powerful force in Washington. ….They literally own our Congress. If you own 435 Representatives and Senators you rule the world.”
  • On why Governor Malloy, then mayor of Stamford, called her an antisemite: “The governor is not capable of reading – he has dyslexia. He doesn’t understand my stand, at least he didn’t back then. The rabbis put him up to it.”


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