Jewish Life Kolot

Kolot: Weather or Not , a poem by Norma Bursack

A poem by Norma Bursack ~

Weather or Not

Deviating from its pattern this year,
Weather was neither dependable nor clear.
Seasons were not distinctly defined
by precipitations of the usual kind.

Cranky kids on winter break
whined at nature’s sad mistake.
It’s not fair, they mournfully cried,
there’s supposed to be snow outside!

Lavender crocuses, spring’s early gift,
found their heads too heavy to lift.
Bowed down by a late snowy reward,
they echoed the children’s whiney chord.

April showers, postponed until May,
brought either a humid or a frigid day.
We can only hope to welcome soon
a weather predictable month of June.

Kolot – On Becoming a Woman
Torah Portion – Emor
Torah Portion – Kedoshim

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