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Hebrew Health Care awarded $75,000.00 grant

(Left to right): David Wasch, CHEFA’s legislative liaison/ECE program specialist presents a CHEFA grant to Malena Prasad, HHC certified nursing assistant, Renata Ogrodnik, HHC vice president for nursing services, and David Houle, HHC executive vice president and CFO

WEST HARTFORD – Hebrew Health Care (HHC) has been awarded a $75,000 grant from the Connecticut Health and Educational Facilities Authority (CHEFA) for the agency’s No-Lift program. The goal of the No-Lift program is to ensure that the patient transfers at HHC are conducted in the safest possible way for both patient and staff.
According to an HHC spokesman, the CHEFA grant will make it possible for HHC to begin the process of purchasing equipment, as well as implement a training session for nursing staff in the proper use of equipment.
CHEFA is a quasi-state agency providing access to the tax-exempt bond market for colleges and universities, hospitals, independent schools, early childhood education providers and other qualified non-profit entities. It does not receive any state financial support or taxpayer funds for its operations.

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