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Strange bedfellows? Hartford Seminary & Jewish Theological Seminary launch joint program

Last week the Ledger received a press release from the Hartford Seminary that disclosed a new joint program between the Seminary and the Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS) as follows: “Hartford Seminary, and the New York-based Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS) have entered into a pioneering agreement for JTS students to study at Hartford Seminary to gain a better understanding of interfaith relations.”  We hadn’t seen a similar release from JTS, nor was there one listed on their website, and a phone call there was less than helpful.
Notwithstanding the boilerplate in the press release, the Hartford Seminary, which is the largest trainer of Muslim chaplains for the U.S. military and for our federal penal system, has had connections to the Muslim Brotherhood and other activist Islamist organizations. As such, it seems to us to be an unlikely partner for an institution that trains Conservative rabbis.  JTS alumni that we talked to were also surprised by this announcement and had not heard about it from JTS.
We intend to look into this program and invite your thoughts, comments and any information you can bring to bear on it.  To join in the conversation, write us at editorial@jewishledger.com.
— nrg

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