Around Connecticut Southern New England News

Speaking of diversity

Pictured here are (left to right): Steven Swidler, Israel Club faculty advisor; Michelle Socher, Israel Club co-president; State Rep. Bakari Sellers; Jonathan Muhlrad, Rebekah Raz UJA Greenwich director of community outreach; Israel Club secretary; Sam Savitz and an unidentified student.

State Representative Bakari Sellers of South Carolina visited Greenwich High School on Friday, Feb. 10 where he addressed 300 students gathered for the
Israel Club’s Diversity Day program.  Elected in 2006 at the age of 22, Sellers is the youngest black elected official in the United States. He spoke passionately about civil rights, equality, education, and most importantly, his love for Israel, where he recently traveled.  He will be speaking at the AIPAC policy conference in March.

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Serving up love
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