After the Mormon church had already apologized publicly for posthumously baptizing the parents of Holocaust survivor and Jewish rights advocate Simon Wiesenthal, an ex-church member revealed that a Mormon temple in the Dominican Republic also baptized Holocaust victim Anne Frank. Helen Radkey, an excommunicated church member, said the ceremony was conducted on Feb. 18.
In 1995, it was revealed that the Mormon church had already baptized more than 30,000 Jews killed in the Holocaust. Despite the church’s claims that it has outlawed the practice and is prepared to take disciplinary action against any violators, it appears that its posthumous baptisms persist. In fact, these baptisms are so integral to Mormon life that, as one Brigham Young professor and practicing Mormon put it, “I don’t see any way that we can ever ultimately say we’re not going to do it for people.”
According to The Daily Beast, an unwieldy genealogical database operated by the Mormon church called Family Search appears to be at once a public registry for ancestry research and a receptacle for church members to nominate deceased individuals to receive baptism rights. But, while Family Search does instruct church members not to submit for posthumous baptism “celebrities or Jewish Holocaust victims,” Radkey said she has found in her scouring of the registry everyone from Jesus Christ to 9/11 plane hijackers to Mickey Mouse.