Around Connecticut Southern New England News

K’tanim kids cook up a mitzvah

The children of K’tanim Preschool

The children of K’tanim Preschool at Congregation Beth El in Fairfield not only did a mitzvah one recent afternoon – but a tasty one at that. Every year, as part of the preschool’s mitzvah program, the three and four-year-old children cook up a complete meal to give to Operation Hope in Fairfield.  And this year was no different.  On the menu: a delicious meal of ziti, vegetable salad, fruit salad, bread and dessert for 50 people. As part of its ongoing mitzvah program, each Friday the children also bring in money that they give to tzedakah when the school hosts its weekly Shabbat celebration. At the end of the school year , the money is given to a local charity. This year the K’tanim kids’ tzedakah money will be donated to an animal shelter. For more information on K’tanim call (203) 374-5574.

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