Feature Stories

Celebrating Purim in CT!


Jewish Ledger | March 2, 2012

Canton – Valley Purim Party hosted by the Chai Center; come in costume for an afternoon of glow-in-the-dark mini-golf and ice cream; 4 p.m.; at Glow Cover Indoor Gold Center, 220 Albany Tpke., (860) 677-1235, emacgilpin@jewishhartford.org.
Greenwich – Purim magic; megillah reading/presentation followed by interactive mystery game, pizza lunch, treats, magician; costumes encouraged; 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.; Greenwich Reform Synagogue, 257 Stanwich Rd., (203) 629-0018 x221, erin@grs.org. FREE
Meriden – First Annual Purim Olympics; games of skill and fun for children and adults of all ages; 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.; Temple B’nai Abraham, 127 East Main St., (203) 235-2581. FREE
Milford – Author Joan Wolf will lead a discussion about her book “A Reluctant Queen,” a story about Queen Esther; Wolf is also author of historical novels, including “The Road to Avalon,” 7 p.m.; Congregation Sinai, 55 Old Gate Lane.
Stamford – 20th Annual JCC Purim Carnival: Kings & Queens; games, inflatables, hamantaschen prizes; come in costume; 12 – 4 p.m.; Stamford JCC, 1035 Newfield Ave., (203) 487-0965. FREE (purchase tickets for games and attractions)
West Hartford – Purim Festival and Feast for families; come in costume; arts & crafts, games, hamantaschen-making, face painting, Purim shpiel; 10 – noon; The Emanuel Synagogue, 160 Mohegan Dr., (860) 233-2774, www.emanuelsynagogue.org. FREE

West Hartford – “Vashti’s Banquet, A Celebration of Women”,” a program focusing on the role of Queen Vashti in the Purim story; dinner by Joy of Food; Israeli music, dancing, Zumba, make-up by Mary Kay Cosmetics, chair massages, mini-skincare facials by Massage Envy Spa, a Henna artist and belly dancer; discussions led by Rabbi Debra Cantor and Rabbi Ilana Garber; hosted by Beth El Temple, Beth Hillel Synagogue, B’nai Tikvoh-Sholom and The Emanuel Synagogue; 5:30 – 9 p.m.; at The Emanuel Synagogue, 160 Mohegan Dr., (860) 667-2069. $22 (reservations a must)

Meriden – Megillah reading and Purim Celebration; costumes encouraged for kids and adults; 6:30 p.m.; Temple B’nai Abraham, 127 East Main St., (203) 235-2581.
West Hartford – Purim Extravaganza! Carnival, 5:30 – 7p.m., games prizes, “Shushan Café,” come in costume; “A Magical Potter Purim” shpiel, 7 p.m.; services at 8, followed by megillah reading; Beth El Temple, 2626 Albany Ave., (860) 233-9696, www.bethelwesthartford.org.

Greenwich – “Cirque Du Purim!” for families featuring Solo Circus, an all-in-one magician, juggler, comedian and circus artist, Megillah reading, followed by music, dancing, dinner; 5 – 7 p.m.; followed by circus technique workshop for teens; hosted by Chabad of Greenwich; at Hyatt Regency, 1800 E. Putnam Ave., (203) 629-9059. $30 adult; $25 child; $90 family. Register by Mar. 1 for $5 off per person; $10 per family
West Hartford – Purim Senior Prom; young families celebrate Purim with residents of Hoffman Summerwood Community; children come in costume; 1 – 2 p.m.; at Summerwood, 160 Simsbury Rd., (860) 727-6119, ibernstein@jewishhartford.org.
Weston – “Purim in the Wild West” cocktail party hosted by Young Jewish Professionals for Jewish singles in their 20s and 30s; cowboy cocktails, hors d’ouvres and gourmet hamantaschen; 7:30 p.m.; at The Grange, 12 Goodhill Rd., (203) 635-4118, youngjewishp@gmail.com. $20 in advance (by Mar. 2); $25 at the door

Greenwich – Family Shabbat Service and Purim Celebration; musical service and Purim shpiel; megillah reading, hamantaschen; parade of costumes, with prizes; 6:30 p.m.; Greenwich Reform Synagogue, 257 Stanwich Rd., (203) 629-0018 x221, erin@grs.org, www.grs.org.

West Hartford – PuriMania; costume parade, inflatables, goody bags; hamentaschen; 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.; Mandell JCC, 335 Bloomfield Ave., (860) 236-4571, www.mandelljcc.org.

West Hartford – “Young Esther, Queen of the Desert,” a musical retelling of the story of Esther; followed by a Purim carnival with food, attractions and games; 10:30 a.m.; Congregation Beth Israel, 701 Farmington Ave., (860) 233-8215 x230. FREE

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