CT Briefs

State Rep Becker to run again

Rep. Brian Becker

WEST HARTFORD– State Representative Brian Becker (D-Avon, Farmington, and West Hartford) has announced his intention to seek re-election for the 19th District House seat. “In my first campaign, I pledged to work on balancing the state’s budget without gimmicks, creating a better environment for job growth, making Connecticut more energy efficient and independent, and protecting those most in need,” said Becker, in announcing the start of his campaign. “ While we have made progress in each of these areas, more needs to be done.  I hope to have the opportunity to keep working to make our state a better place to work and live.”
On the budget, Becker said, “We inherited a huge mess – too big to fix with just cuts or just tax increases.  We sought the right balance in a very tough year, while making sure we did not cut programs crucial to our less fortunate neighbors.  As part of the solution, I authored a bill that eliminated barriers to agreements among towns and cities that want to work together to save time and money.  This ‘regionalism bill’ became law with bipartisan support.”
On energy and job growth, Becker said, “I worked on a part of the omnibus energy bill that calls for the state to implement energy efficiency measures in state buildings – creating jobs and saving money in the process.”  Becker also supported the bipartisan jobs bill and the bill creating the Connecticut Bioscience Collaborative program that brings together the world-renowned Jackson Labs, UConn and Yale to position Connecticut as an international leader in the fast-growing field of customized medicine.
Becker lives in West Hartford with his wife and two sons.

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